ik that Biden isn’t re-running, but Kamala is basically the same from the macro pov

  • @[email protected]
    223 hours ago

    No one is saying how dare you vote for trump to people voicing concerns. People are saying that to individuals willingly not voting, voting for trump in “protest,” or voting third party in “protest”

    • @[email protected]
      -123 hours ago

      There’s no protest, though. Third parties are the only logical option for anyone with any amount of humanity left in them. Only fascists would vote for genocide, only selfish fascists would vote for genocide on the thought that if they don’t they’ll get genocided as punishment.

      • @[email protected]
        1123 hours ago

        Sure broski, vote third party, help trump. Other elections I don’t care, but this one has a literal nazi running and a lady who is criticized for not doing enough to stop Israel. So naturally help the nazi

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          You people have said this exact nonsense since Reagan.

          It’s always the next election that you might get to vote for something, instead of against something.

          No, child, I’m not voting for genocide. Your idealized fantasy land you call a world view isn’t valid. There are no good people in either the democratic or Republican parties. They are all literally genocidal fascists. No exaggeration. They are actively commiting genocide.

          Your vote for either of those parties is to normalize and consent to that genocide as well as any other that doesn’t affect you. That is quite literally, again not exaggerating, a Nazi belief. That genocide needs to happen, because otherwise you’ll be a victim of genocide. That is literally the line used by the Nazis to justify killing the Jews before the Jews kill them.

          Now if I’m wrong and vote third party and that third party wins, I have not voted for genocide and we at least entirely withdraw from the middle east.

          If that third party does not win or I’m not wrong and they do win, genocide happens that I have stated my explicit disapproval of, I continue to join protests, work in my mutual aid group, and work to make the world better against the government who wanrs to make it worse until im i evitably killed by either the trump or harris governments.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hours ago

          I’m part of the lgbtq community, and have been longer than you’ve likely been alive. I’ve lived through worse things than your fear mongering can come up with. my existence is not worth the genocide of others, and we know from history those that commit genocide do not stop with their original target.

          Democrats, having thoroughly and completely endorsed genocide, who have sent troops to aide in genocide, who have bombed civilian populations in dissenting countries in defense of genocide are not going to stop when Palestinians are a historical group only.

          Voting for them with the vague thought that they might spare you is stupid at best, suicide at worst.