• @WinstonWolfe
    16 hours ago


    Here ya go bud, you are served real news. This was a hit piece and you are eating up false stories like a lil girl in high school. It’s a sad state we live in where one reporter can write a story and a majority on one side makes into absolute facts. Personally I’m not voting. This is a shitshow we all are in, one hand we have a socialist that the left thinks is the best choice because Trump is the worst no matter what. She prosecuted black men for weed, she was the border chief and did nothing, she is part of the worst 4 years of all of our lives with how we live. Gas is high, my grocery bill is 4x, a dollar cheeseburger is almost 5 fucking dollars in most places etc. We literally have multiple wars that we are spending billions a year on that we have no reason to be a part of, she & Joe didn’t give AF about the 13 soldiers who died on the Afghan withdrawal or they do zero for all of us that are suffering here in this fucking country!!! Then on the other hand we have a egotistical rich dude. He did some cringe shit, he says cringe shit. As a poor kid from the Midwest that grew up on a farm and became a pretty successful business owner I just feel sadness. I wore hand me down clothes, I got picked on for being mixed race, hell I got jumped on my first day of kindergarten for being different. To this day when I’m asked what race I am, I say I’m American. Everybody else in the world looks at us as Americans but us. We are so divided and that’s exactly what the powers want us to be. If we are fighting then we can’t pay attention to what’s really going on. I’m just sad tbh. It’s literally the worst point we have ever been in as a country and it’s like we’re all at a high school party, too drunk to think clearly and everyone taking sides.

    • @rsuri
      13 hours ago

      Ok I know you have a lot of reasons for not voting Kamala, but I just gotta push back every time you say I’m eating up false stories, because most of what you said just doesn’t support that at all.

      I think you should consider that maybe I have good reason for my beliefs. Let me spell it out:

      1. The claim is that 2 anonymous people in the room, plus notes taken at the time, include the outburst.
      2. This claim is made by Jeffrey Goldberg, a reporter with a decades long career unblemished by journalistic fraud.
      3. No one - not the family, not Meadows or anyone else associated with Trump - denies that the bill was sent to the white house, but not paid by Trump.
      4. No one has offered an alternative explanation as to why Trump did not pay the bill.

      I think those are some good reasons to believe the story. I also get how people want to believe the family on an emotional level - what happened to them sucks and they have every right to feel whatever they want about Trump. As do you. But I will stand by the fact that on a rational level, it makes far more sense to believe this actually happened as reported.