This thing costs as much as a Deluxe edition expansion… but I kinda want it…

  • @PunchingWood
    1 day ago

    Yeah I’m gonna pay jack shit for mounts, especially these kind of useful mounts that have exclusive features that can only be obtained through store purchase.

    It’s even more annoying that they’re also locking the 30th anniversary faction mounts behind a paid bundle as well. As if my many years of service and subscriptions isn’t sufficient to grant me (and others in the same boat) an opportunity to unlock that kind of stuff through the actual game with fun and creative challenges (no fucking token/rep grinds). Store purchases have no fucking place in a pay-to-play game with a monthly subscription on top, it would’ve been different had it been a subscriptionless F2P game, but it isn’t.

    They really love to screw over long-time players.

    They had already sunk to a new low when they introduced early-access and paid tender-tokens, but now they’re sinking even further down.