State attorney general alleges without providing evidence that Google is manipulating search results, as tech firm says claim ‘totally false’

Missouri’s Republican attorney general has said he is launching an investigation into Google over allegations it was censoring conservative speech, as the tech corporation dismissed the claims as “totally false”.

“I am launching an investigation into Google for censoring conservative speech during the most consequential election in our nation’s history,” Andrew Bailey said in a post on X, without citing any example or evidence for his censorship claim.

Republicans have long claimed an anti-conservative bias on social media platforms with tech companies denying this.

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, said last month he would seek the prosecution of Google if he won the election. Trump and his supporters have alleged without evidence that Google searches display only “bad stories” about the former US president.

  • Admiral Patrick
    5 months ago
    1. Is “conservative” a protected class of speech? (AFAIK, no?)
    2. Is there a huge overlap with so-called “conservative” speech and conspiracy theories, lies, hate speech, and worse? (yes)
    3. When he says “conservative” speech, is he referring to policies and positions or, you know, the lies and racism? (Rhetorical question)
    4. Is Google allowed to not platform content that breaks its ToS? (yes)
    5. Is he providing any evidence for his claim, or is it more of #2? (Article flat out says ‘no’)

    Andrew Bailey can get fucked.

    • @meeeeetch
      195 months ago

      Big tech has been bending over backwards to not ban reactionaries breaking their Terms of Service since, at the very least, GamerGate. If they had just laid down the banhammer the way their own policies told them to, Roger Stone would be a bad memory from the Brooks Brothers Riot and Steve Bannon would be viewed as the crank he is.

      • Admiral Patrick
        5 months ago

        Right? They’re already getting the kid glove treatment and still bitching and moaning that a fraction of the worst of their shit is potentially getting moderated**. Crybabies the whole lot of them.

        ** Bailey has provided no evidence to support this claim, so I’m sticking with “potentially”.