# here is where my aliases go yo

alias alias-edit="vim ~/.local/config/alias_config && source ~/.local/config/alias_config && echo 'Alias updated. \n'"

## Modern cli
alias ls="exa"
alias find="fdfind"

## System 76
alias battery-full="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile full_charge"
alias battery-balanced="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile balanced"
alias battery-maxhealth="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile max_lifespan"

## Maintenance
alias update-flatapt="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && flatpak update --assumeyes"

## Misc
alias tree="exa --tree"

## Incus
alias devi-do="sudo incus exec dev0 -- su -l devi"

## Some programs
alias code="flatpak run com.visualstudio.code"
  • @BananaTrifleViolin
    1 day ago

    Quick FYI - Exa is no longer fully maintained; there is a fork called Eza which is maintained. They couldn’t take over the original Exa repo as the original creator is unreachable. Eza is in many distros; I’ve installed it on OpenSuSe Tumbleweed with ease from the factory-oss.
