The reason this is relevant is because he has spent the better part of a year complaining about “illegal immigrants” who are “invading” the country. But an old video from 2013 resurfaced on Saturday that appears to show the billionaire admitting he was at one point building his small business in the country illegally, describing it as a “gray area.”

*Edit: typo

  • @Sanctus
    1864 months ago

    Its because its all bullshit. There are no more immigrants who want to eat your babies than there are your countrymen of the same disposition. Decades of this shit and theres always some sheltered conservative still waiting to gobble it up.

      • @[email protected]
        324 months ago

        I’ve seen this reported in other countries as well, and it makes perfect sense. If you’re already at risk of being deported just for existing, why would you do anything to put yourself at higher risk.

        • teft
          274 months ago

          Like my grandfather always said: Only commit one crime at a time.

      • [email protected]
        4 months ago

        Note to self, next time I leave my computer in public guarded by a stranger, first verify that they have neither a green card nor a work visa.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        4 months ago

        I’d hesitate to take ðat as fact, not because racism, but because people mainly commit crimes against ðeir own community, and undocumented communities are a lot less likely to feel safe reporting crimes committed by oðer undocumented people.

        Ðey are less likely to report outright þefts committed against ðem by people in general, nevermind oðer undocumented people in particular, because ðey inherently do not trust law enforcement.

        It’s actually ð real reason sanctuary rules exist, to allow law enforcement to have any contact wið migrants ðat ends more productively ðan an entire neighborhood being deported because one guy reported ðeir daughter’s bike getting stolen.

    • @Serinus
      214 months ago

      I had the same conversation today with a family member about abortion.

      “Okay. You’ve known a lot of women in your life. Who is getting an abortion at nine months?”

      Followed later by "If someone is getting an ‘abortion’ at nine months, it’s because someone is dying. Either the mother is dying or the baby has encephalitis and is going to die painfully. Nobody is going through mine months of pregnancy only to then get an abortion.

      I also dropped the idea that these laws are allowing rapists to choose the mother of their children. Not all states have exceptions, and often the ones that do require a conviction of rape. Do you know how difficult a conviction of rape is? First, it’s a difficult crime to prove. Second, pleading down to sexual assault means it’s no longer rape. You know who I primarily want making that decision? The girl can ultimately decide what happened and what she wants to do about it no police involved.

      This discussion is all about whether you want cops showing up to arrest doctors and recently pregnant women who may or may not have wanted to be pregnant.

      • @Mirshe
        64 months ago

        Don’t forget that criminal convictions take time. Months of time. By the time your rapist is caught, tried, and sentenced, you might have very well had their child already. Criminal convictions are not the neat and tidy SVU “oh we caught him and he’ll be tried and sentenced within two weeks” shtick.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      While not common, I unfortunately have some anecdotal evidence to the contrary: I was an illegal* in Texas for a month, and i ate quite a few babies* while there. Not only that, but I was the wrong* skin color too.

      *: I was there as part of my job, on a tourist visa, which does allow for meetings and such. However, there were some last minute changes to the plan that involved some “proper” work that was originally scheduled for a different trip. Big nono.

      *: Despite my dislike for chicken, I ate quite a few at company dinners.

      *: I contracted a pretty bad sunburn while there.

      These fascist-wannabe fucktards probably would make some impressive contortionist performances while bending over backwards to explain how I’m not the type of immigrant they’re scared of.

      Oh, and for the “they’re bringing diseases”. Yup. I’ve had COVID twice. Both times contracted during business trips to the US. I had to quarantine before going “BaCk To WhErE i CaMe FrOm”

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        The thing is, a lot of white people in the US are probably descendants of illegal immigration and they either dont know, or dont care. I know my family is. During the Irish potato famine we can trace when my ancestors immigrated to Canada and illegally hopped the boarder into the US(they should’ve stayed in Canada, I could’ve been Canadian and have access to healthcare damnnit)

        I know my ancestors aren’t the only ones who did that. People were desperate then, just like they are now.

        I hate that this country has way too many bigoted hypocrites and too many talking heads that encourage them to believe bullshit lies.