    -14 months ago

    And I’ve answered all your points.

    I’m in my 30’s and the older I get the further left I go, so don’t hold your breath on that.

    • @Saryn
      4 months ago

      Like I keep saying - time doesn’t ipso facto make you wise. Wisdom is something you earn with hard work and dedication to intellectual honesty. It does not simply come with time and you are yet another great example of this.

      Pretending like elections in North Korea and the USA are comparable is either very ignorant or wholly disingenuous.

      • OBJECTION!
        -14 months ago

        I never pretended that. My point is that if you categorically dismiss questions of legitimacy in an election, then it leads to absurd conclusions.

    • @LauchsOP
      04 months ago

      Oooof, you’re in your 30s and these are the sorts of arguments you’re making? I mean, when I was in grade school, maybe…

      Right now though, your argument is like saying it’s dangerous to go outside because no one can prove that Michael Meyers isn’t out there ready to chop you to bits. Sure, it’s possible a psychopath is out there lurking but it’s very unlikely. Similarly, sure, it’s possible the DNC could rig the primaries and not count the votes but it’s comically unlikely. Since the primary system began, the candidate with the most votes has won the nomination. Should that not happen, then there’ll be outrage and chaos but until then, it seems kind of insane to not actually try to make things better because you can pretend a scenario in which your vote doesn’t matter.