• @[email protected]
    264 months ago

    Because Republicans have chosen Trump as the leader of their in-group, and everything they say and do is just sound bytes for getting him in power and abusing the out group, no matter how inconsistent, hypocritical, or false it is. They don’t actually think what they mock the left for is bad, but if they can use it to justify being against them, they’ll use it.

    • @Snapz
      44 months ago

      It’s actually worse than that IMO, they’ve imprinted on him as a surrogate for themselves. To attack, challenge or abandon him now would be to do that to themselves.

      • @Doomsider
        24 months ago

        He definitely represents their animus. A projection of their perverse fantasy of disrupting the “corrupt government” sold to them by decades of hate radio.

        If you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh you already know how these people think. They have been spoon fed lies their entire life.