More than 100 Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and progressive Democrats and community leaders have signed a letter making the case for those reluctant to support Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.

“We know that many in our communities are resistant to vote for Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s complicity in the genocide,” the letter, published Thursday night, reads.

“Some of us have lost many family members in Gaza and Lebanon. We respect those who feel they simply can’t vote for a member of the administration that sent the bombs that may have killed their loved ones,” the letter continued. “As we consider the full situation carefully, however, we conclude that voting for Kamala Harris is the best option for the Palestinian cause and all of our communities.”

  • @UsernameHere
    1125 hours ago

    It is important to note that foreign nations like Iran, Russia and China are using this topic to convince voters to allow facism to win the election in the US. This doesn’t mean that Israel shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. But history shows how foreign actors use these topics to manipulate us.

    • @[email protected]
      194 hours ago

      I think it is important to note that a surprisingly large number of voters say they like fascism without any need to rationalise that as foreign meddling. Being told that you are good because you are ingroup and they are bad because they are outgroup is an enduringly popular message with a large minority of people.

      • @[email protected]
        116 minutes ago

        It seems like this message resonates strongly with about 1/3 of people across time and space.

    • Cethin
      84 hours ago

      Yeah, it sucks but everyone just needs to hold their nose and do what will have the best outcome. Sadly, if Trump is elected, this will probably not be an issue in the future. Yeah, Harris needs to do more and the democrats need to be pressured into doing what’s right, but the only way that matters is if they’re in power. If Republicans have control, nothing you say regarding Palestine will matter.

      • @[email protected]
        34 hours ago

        If Republicans have control, nothing you say regarding Palestine will matter.

        I sadly suspect that political orthodoxy will continue, and that orthodoxy is “it’s okay for the IDF to kill innocent people”.

        • Cethin
          23 hours ago

          For sure, in the near future. Hopefully we can improve on that, but we have to have Palestinians alive to improve on it.

            • Cethin
              42 hours ago

              There are other means of resistance that don’t give power to those who will do worse. Take direct action and vote for who will reduce harm.

              • @[email protected]
                11 hour ago

                Do not normalize or support genociders.

                Re: reducing harm, genocide is as harmful as it gets and the candidate you are telkjng people to support is an active part of the ongoing genocide. The idea that you would be reducing harm by advocating for that is absurd.

                You should, of course, engage in meaningful resistance, but those who rationalize voting for genociders are not the people who do that. This is a barrier to action, it is complacency.

      • @[email protected]
        -172 hours ago

        You should not normalize genocide by voting for any genocider candidate, nor publicly rationalizing doing so.

        • @[email protected]
          215 minutes ago

          It is extremely effective to not vote! The republicans have been pushing this shit for years and I trust them.

          • @[email protected]
            06 minutes ago

            I would like you and others to stop normalizing the genocide of Palestine. If you stop announcing your unconditional support for the people genociding Palestine to any degree then it has been effective.

            In terms of being more generally politically effective, it is important to take a step away from the dictates of your political class faction. I think that having a simple red line of not supporting genocide should be enough for any moral person to do so.

            • @[email protected]
              12 minutes ago

              Yes, let’s let a fascist who wants to kill the Palestinians even faster into power. It will be super effective to protest against him when he is using military force to suppress us. It’s not like he hasn’t already used BOTAC to kill leftists during the George Floyd uprisings. Surely all the guardrails will allow us to stop the genocide with him in power!

              “After Trump, Our Turn” comrades! Don’t vote!

        • Cethin
          62 hours ago

          We should protest and take action, but vote for those who will make things less bad. Our system is fucked, but making yourself effectively invisible doesn’t help. If your vote doesn’t got for one of the two parties you are worth as much as someone who doesn’t exist.

          • @[email protected]
            -41 hour ago

            We should protest and take action, but vote for those who will make things less bad.

            The Biden-Harris administration is committing this genocide. “Less bad”, friend, they are doing the worst thing.

            Our system is fucked, but making yourself effectively invisible doesn’t help.

            Given the extent to which Dem voters rely on personal moralism, I think that “don’t vote for genocidera” should be enough. You are complicit if you vote for a person doing genocide.

            But if you prefer to think this is about strategy, what do you think makes your interests more relevant? Being a loudly guaranteed lever pull for the party even when you acknowledge they are doing a genocide, or someone that will, at least some of the time, actually withhold their vote on a stated principal?

            It is actually your logic that leads to irrelevancy. It is logic handed down by party PR ghouls and they repeat it because it works: it means they don’t need to listen to you, they can just convince you to disempower yourself!

            If your vote doesn’t got for one of the two parties you are worth as much as someone who doesn’t exist.

            I disagree, but even if I didn’t, a vote complicit in genocide is worse than not voting at all.

            • @kaffiene
              359 minutes ago

              They’re not doing the worst thing. Doing Genocide AND the 2025 Trump agenda is worse.

              • @[email protected]
                052 minutes ago

                Genocide is the worst thing and should be a red line. Please do your best to not help erase that red line.

                • @[email protected]
                  245 minutes ago

                  Question: Is genocide in Xinjiang a red line for you?

                  I already know what your answer’s going to be, I’m just asking to highlight what your real goal here is.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -239 minutes ago

                    I do not live in China and cannot do any advocacy related to Xinjiang. Though I will point out that there is not a genocide there. By now you should be able to recognize the differences. The mass killings, the videos, the diaspora, the intense censorship. We could discuss the ridiculous think tank and fake university apparatus that sold that lie with the US State Department, but to be frank, it is disgusting to distract from opposition to the genocide of Palestinians with this lazy attempt at a gotcha. Personally, I think you should apologize.

                    I already know what your answer’s going to be, I’m just asking to highlight what your real goal here is.

                    My real goal is to advocate against normalization of genocide in the US. I have organized actions and protests to this effect for over a year.

                    Do your best to at least not believe your own bullshitting.

    • Avid Amoeba
      4 hours ago

      From what I’ve seen over the last year, Iran and China are working against Trump. Russia is working for him and so are some Israeli actors. This is unsurprising as Trump would be worse for Iran and China and better for Russia and Israel. This is not to say there isn’t interference, but that the sides aren’t all pro-fascism. Assuming fascism is ascribed only to Trump.

        • peopleproblems
          224 minutes ago

          Iran is more along the lines of “fuck the US. But, fuck, US, fuck it up the right way ok? Butt fuck, the US.”

          More like Iran really wants to progress as a nation technologically without progressing as a nation socially. China and Russia were able to do that, and Iran is being unable to because of the US, but was doing better for a while with the last Iran deal that Trump fucked up.

          Iran is sort of the weirdest place in the world. highly educated folk, restricted access to literature and products, all sorts of restrictions on women. It’s always been very educated, and until the US overthrew the democratically elected government, it was doing quite well in the academic realm.

          The Iranian religious conservatives have such brutal tactics that they effortlessly stifle any social progress. As seen the last dozen times women have attempted it.

          They are also in the weird realm of not being able to accept Kamala as president for ‘moral’ reasons and Trump directly harmed Iran. Which all benefitted China and Russia because guess who supplies that stuff now?

          So, yeah. Iran is complicated

          • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
            111 minutes ago

            Well put!

            There are also a number of conflicting views between Iran’s religious authorities and the civilian government that have caused a lot of these inconsistencies.

        • Avid Amoeba
          28 minutes ago

          Really? What’s the Chinese pro Trump angle that I’m not seeing?

          • @[email protected]
            213 minutes ago

            I can’t remember another recent candidate in the US that not only wasn’t super pro-Taiwan, but said the US should just hang them out to dry if the PRC were to invade the island. They probably like that side of him.

            Plus, an incredibly vain, greedy and self-confident idiot is not the hardest of targets to get to do what you want.

          • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
            9 minutes ago

            Anything that weakens the west is good for the CCP. Also, Trump’s trade war benefitted them a lot last time.

    • @Cleggory
      -225 hours ago

      Important to note that fascism and genocide broadly persist under the current Harris co-led administration. Persecution and the marginalization of black Americans persists in the most democrat-controlled cities of America, not just in the Uyghur Autonomous Region.

      Amusing that Americans fear countries that, even combined, are responsible for a fraction of the worldwide political coups and corruption America itself is responsible for.

      America has singlehandedly propped up the Israel military, why pretend it is divorced from moral responsibility in the aftermath of a genocide?

      doesn’t mean that Israel shouldn’t be held accountable

      Why pretend Americans have any moral high ground in geopolitics, especially regarding Israel?

      • @Cosmonauticus
        -74 hours ago

        You’re being downvoted but you’re not wrong. While a Trump presidency has dark implications it happening due to foreign interference would be no different than the coups, assassinations, and implanted dictatorships America has done in other countries for decades. Trumps whole immigrant fear mongering doesn’t happen if the US government had helped the countries they fucked up in Central and South America.

        I think it’s important to remember this