More than 100 Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and progressive Democrats and community leaders have signed a letter making the case for those reluctant to support Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.

“We know that many in our communities are resistant to vote for Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s complicity in the genocide,” the letter, published Thursday night, reads.

“Some of us have lost many family members in Gaza and Lebanon. We respect those who feel they simply can’t vote for a member of the administration that sent the bombs that may have killed their loved ones,” the letter continued. “As we consider the full situation carefully, however, we conclude that voting for Kamala Harris is the best option for the Palestinian cause and all of our communities.”

  • @mycodesucks
    43 hours ago

    If you don’t support her, even if you think it’s somehow good for Palestinians for her to lose, which it isn’t, you are comfortably throwing minorities, LGBTQ, and progressives in every country around the world into the meat grinder to prove your point. Sacrificing and doing ANYTHING to help one particular group, the consequences for everyone else be damned, isn’t really all that different from the Zionists they purport to be against.

    • @[email protected]
      02 hours ago

      If you don’t support her, even if you think it’s somehow good for Palestinians for her to lose, which it isn’t

      It is good for Palestinians and all people for the people of the US to think of genocide as unacceptable.

      you are comfortably throwing minorities, LGBTQ, and progressives in every country around the world into the meat grinder to prove your point.

      Do you think there are no queer people or minorities in Gaza? Are they immune to JDAM bombs?

      Though really, you have no concept of solidarity. You seek to pit these groups against each other because the political class that you support puts a gun to their head. Instead of repeating their sociopathic threats, you should work in solidarity with all marginalized people.

      An injury to one is an injury to all.

      Sacrificing and doing ANYTHING to help one particular group, the consequences for everyone else be damned, isn’t really all that different from the Zionists they purport to be against.

      As you can see, I do not share the logic of pitting marginalized groups against one another. However you literally just tried to do that.

      Please do some introspection.

      • @mycodesucks
        2 hours ago

        Acknowledging that in a world of 10 billion people, groups do not always have the same overlapping interests or that the best course of action for the most people does not always correspond with the best course of action for one group in particular does NOT equate to pitting groups against each other. That is a childish oversimplification that borders on anime protagonist morality, and unfortunately, the real world doesn’t have writers who ensure that there are perfect solutions to be found if everyone involved is just stubborn enough.

        • @[email protected]
          01 hour ago

          Acknowledging that in a world of 10 billion people, groups do not always have the same overlapping interests or that the best course of action for the most people does not always correspond with the best course of action for one group in particular does NOT equate to pitting groups against each other.

          We both know that is not how you framed it. It was not a vague generalization, it was an emphatic accusation, a lie, in fact, about specific groups I was abandoning.

          I work in organizations that do solidarity work. Not any org that says “support the genocide of Palestine for LGBTQ!” Nor any org that says, “down with the gays for Palestine!” Though the latter doesn’t really exist, there is no correlary to the division of the marginalized that you are forwarding among those fighting for Palestinian liberation. In fact, my usual org for doing work for Palestine is very gay and very good on gender.

          Shame on you for lying and shame on you for trying to disrupt solidarity among the marginalized. Queer people are not your pawns for pithy genocide apologetic zingers.

          That is a childish oversimplification that borders on anime protagonist morality, and unfortunately, the real world doesn’t have writers who ensure that there are perfect solutions to be found if everyone involved is just stubborn enough.

          I think you should do some introspection regarding what is childish and oversimplifying given your habit of ignoring almost everything I say and then making things up to attack instead.

          • @mycodesucks
            18 minutes ago

            You know what, no. To hell with that. I’m not going to sit here and let you accuse me of using groups as some kind of pawn when I’m out there busting my ass multiple times a week in earthquake and flood clean-up efforts and, the rest of the time working with special needs children. I don’t need to PROVE to you that I care about people, and I don’t care for your implication that I’m some political shill.

            The main thing I’ve learned in my years of doing this is that the daily work of individuals helping EACH OTHER is the only thing that really makes a difference for people in this world, and I will PROUDLY STAND by the fact that picking the governments that, if not facilitating that, at least don’t stand in its way, is the only humanitarian decision you can make. Handing power to people who don’t see people as PEOPLE in the hopes of SOMEDAY getting some nebulous, undefined government led by someone you can’t even NAME yet that MIGHT come about in 4 years isn’t doing that. Take your self-righteous accusations and shove them, my friend.