While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • @RangerJosie
    12 days ago

    Tell your handlers that for this farce to continue you must concede us a win occasionally. Practice what you preach. Incremental progress. Min wage increase here, universal healthcare there.

    As it stands now all you fuckers do is lie. Lie and wag your fingers at people who know how the system works better than you do.

    Thats the compromise. We accept your lukewarm, limpwristed, milquetoast bullshit in exchange for incremental progress. But you’ve offered no progress. When challenged even slightly you sprint for votes from the right which only leads to you losing elections and further alienating those to the left of fucking Reagan.

    Those Republicans you’re courting despise you and will never support you in meaningful numbers. They’re comfortable and only care about 2 things. Property Values and Taxes.