The goal of this post is to provide a hub to discover some powerful internet resources out there.

For example here’s one I wanted to share.

  • Open Source Ecology is a project for open source hardware that is significantly cheaper than retail costs. Some of the equipment include open source designs for CNC machines, windmills, tractors, plasma cutters, power supplies, motors, generators, and much more!

Additional Resources

  • @cll7793OP
    32 months ago

    Sorry didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I collect and share internet resources with others. If you want to verify this for yourself, my post history has questions similar to this one. I removed the image to make this post more ‘generic’. I am genuinely trying to share resources. My apologies if it came across as advertising.

    • Trollivier
      42 months ago

      For my part, I didn’t know this project and thought it’s amazing and shared it with friends.

      • @cll7793OP
        22 months ago

        Glad you found it awesome! :)