Debian as a server gets security updates, but the packages for desktop remain old, feature robbed and vulnerable. Default Web browser is passing on manifest v3 which enhances security. Linux isn’t going TPM2 (yet) which prevents rootkits, bootkits, keyloggers, and malware. Linux doesn’t enforce security updates. Anyone that thinks Linux doesn’t have frequent security problems hasn’t done a web search on the topic. All operating systems have issues, -Desktop Linux deliberately so.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      This is the typical response Linux people give on here.

      “if you don’t use Linux, you’re just too stupid to use Linux.”

      Then they tell everyone it’s so easy anyone can use it in the next comment.

    • madthumbsOPM
      -144 months ago

      OP used Arch, DWM, and still edits with neovim. Linux isn’t hard at all; it’s simply a waste of time for the average PC user. OP also didn’t make this community for loonix vs. *.