profane language is the word ‘fuck’.

this is not yelling ‘fuck’ at the top of your lungs, but more like ‘aah, fuck’, meaning why do things have to be this complicated? or, why didn’t coworker X did his job as he was supposed to? Why is this documentation not in order?

Have you ever been fired over this? reprimanded at work?

I use ‘fuck’ a lot, not to intimidate anyone, but each time something bothers me, I could as well use ‘come on!!’ but ‘fuck’ comes to me more naturally.

If I get a written warning, is this a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere?

To those of you not in America. Is it different where you are?

  • @Furbag
    44 months ago

    At my company, they used to be a lot more tolerant of it, but we had exactly one person complain about excessive use of coarse language and then HR cracked the whip. They still don’t really care that much about using swear words when just interacting in person with other people, as long as it’s not bothering anybody else, but they heavily police our work chat to make sure that all of our messages are above the board in terms of professional conduct. Which makes sense, I can’t really argue against the logic that the work chat should be a professional setting where you can communicate your thoughts and feelings without having to resort to using profanity. Sometimes people have to be reminded to not use profane language, but they never call anybody out specifically, they just send out “reminder” messages whenever they see it and usually the person who is responsible knows not to keep it up or else there will be a more direct reprimand.

    It would be hard for me to not sometimes utter “fuck” under my breath while I’m at work, but if my bosses were concerned about it, I would just start channeling that into more work-appropriate language.