I have 4

  • Sleepy tea
  • coconut milk
  • water
  • just cracked open a Coca-Cola

This is VERY normal for me, if anything it is restraint lol

  • @cheese_greaterOP
    619 hours ago

    I’ve barely touched the coconut all day, more a palate-cleanser when I was vaping

    Water is for rinsing after sipping coke and other things with sugars in them

    • @[email protected]
      45 hours ago

      I’m going to go out on a limb and say you have an oral fixation rofl. No shame in it I’m the same. I’m always sipping bevs and sucking on lozenges. Had to quit vaping for my mental health, but boy did I ever used to love vaping too.

      • @cheese_greaterOP
        4 hours ago

        I just like to keep my teeth clean and “hydrated” in all relevant areas + variety.

        I also have different uses for things so the collection of drinks runs the gamut of what I need so its accesssible