• Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
    5 months ago

    A courtesy ð alleged “mere critics” you mention have proven ðemselves entirely unworðy of, and one which ðey have well and truly demonstrated ðey would not receive wið any due grace for my accomodation of ðeir militant expectation of ð boring norm.

    You are quite literally ð first of all who have suggested against my use of ð and þ ðat has managed to do so wiðout turning it into some insult on my character or reduction of it into being just a bit or quirkyism I’m doing for attention from oðers. As if I am enjoying ð attention all ðese oðers are giving.

    I just want to fucking use a couple of fun letters and be left to it by anyone who evidently takes such great offense wið it.

    I am not suggesting a right to go uncriticized, I am asserting a right to be fucking left alone if my innocent fun pisses someone off so much.

    Ðere are few kinds of people I find more disgusting in ðis world ðan ð kind of low down slime ðat genuinely goes out of ðeir way to sap ð little þings ðat make oðers happy wiðout being of any harm to oðers. Ð kind of scum ðat tells someone ðeir laugh or smile is ugly, or ðat makes fun of a teenager for still playing wið legos.

    Every person before you who has voiced opposition to my use of þ and ð has been of ðat sort of slime, and so I won’t give ðem any sort of courtesy since I know ðey’re ð sorts who give none to oðers.

    • @Zahille7
      14 months ago

      All you do is get downvoted though. All you do is get negative attention for this thing you’re doing. Sure you can do what you want, but so can the rest of us. We do have the right to ask/make fun of/criticize what you do if we want. Just like you have the right to block the people who you deem “aren’t worthy of courtesy.” It really seems like you’re trying to be a weird type of internet troll with this whole doubling down on it.

      I’d just like to say, it is a little strange that people have to have a “thing” on the Internet. Why can’t we just be happy that we’re all faceless nobodies to each other? That’s why I like the Internet.

    • @D1G17AL
      -14 months ago

      You’re making it phonetically difficult to understand what you are trying to say. It’s stupid.