I want to automate pentapod eggs without having to kill any surplus when they expire. Just to avoid being the bad guys as much as possible… How do you do that?

I thought about shipping any surplus eggs to a far away place and letting them hatch there, but I’m worried it will become too crowded.

Another idea is to throttle the production, but it can’t go any lower than one egg per 15 minutes.

How do you do it? Any other ideas?

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    I just tested, it doesn’t work in real buildings.

    I’m making a circuit that ejects the eggs if the machine has been idle for 10m, and sends them to a humane incinerator

    Update: to get a machine to eject its components for recipe, it is not enough to simply disable it, you have to change the recipe. Luckily you can do that programmatically. Right now I use three deciders to do that. There might be a way to make it cleaner. But good enough for now. If I didn’t care where the eggs went, I could do it with two deciders. But I want the ejected eggs, because they’re very time sensitive, to go directly to the incinerator. So I needed a third gate to latch the inserter so it wouldn’t pick the egg up and put it on the good belt

    • @TaZOP
      34 months ago

      If I understand correctly, the machine shouldn’t be idle, it should be crafting! Then, when the craft is almost done, cancel it and loop around for the next iteration. I hope that’s possible by changing the recipe. I can’t play right now so I’m just guessing here.