More than 100 Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and progressive Democrats and community leaders have signed a letter making the case for those reluctant to support Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.

“We know that many in our communities are resistant to vote for Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s complicity in the genocide,” the letter, published Thursday night, reads.

“Some of us have lost many family members in Gaza and Lebanon. We respect those who feel they simply can’t vote for a member of the administration that sent the bombs that may have killed their loved ones,” the letter continued. “As we consider the full situation carefully, however, we conclude that voting for Kamala Harris is the best option for the Palestinian cause and all of our communities.”

  • @atk007
    244 months ago

    Brutal. You have to support the one who kills half of your children because the other one will kill all of them.

      • @PapaStevesy
        54 months ago

        You’d vote for both of them? That wouldn’t work out well in your favor, they’d just throw the ballot out.

        • @[email protected]
          -84 months ago

          no, I’d ‘go after’ them. not vote, not support, actively fight against. as i am doing now.

          you: ‘Excuse me dear these two murders are running for office, I have to let one of them murder our children’ jfc you poor soul.

          • @[email protected]
            74 months ago

            Tell me you don’t understand the concept of harm reduction without telling me you don’t understand the concept of harm reduction.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              yawn tired trope. there are other levers to pull for reducing essentially every other harm. its clear you dont understand how to effectively leverage your vote to reduce harm and are supportive of a genocide. congrats i guess?

              Let me know when you’re no longer a willing participant in a genocide and then we can talk about harm reduction.

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                I’m as much a willing participant in the genocide as anyone else who intends to vote, unfortunately in the USA right now we are the way we are.

                I can vote for the party that has people willing to address the elephant in the room, literally anything else is being a more willing participant.

                Anyways, get fucked.

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  Anyways, get fucked

                  Daily. 🤗 Dont worry harris will still win here. But maybe adding my vote to the pile here has convinced my local reps to consider withholding israel support in the future . Hopefully you can do the same.

                  But its likely you’re Happy harris is bombing innocents.

              • @auzy
                34 months ago

                You need to look at game theory.

                The only two candidates that matter if Harris and Trump, and you’ll realize that the only candidate that makes sense to vote for is Harris

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  oh god another game theory twat. lord please spare me another childish lecture. 😮‍💨

                  1. you’re assuming my goal is influence who wins. (its not)
                  2. you’re assuming the only outcome in play is who wins. (its not)
                  3. yes I’ve studied game theory and that professor was a dunce too.

                  You don’t even know the game. Which you may wish to know is an important aspect of game theory. so spare me the trivialities of your intellect.

                  • @auzy
                    4 months ago

                    Abuses everyone he disagrees with (including his own teachers)… Reminds me of someone I know (rhymes with Dump).

                    Also, did someone on Fox News happen to use the word “dunce” recently. 2 years you guys were calling everyone “snowflakes” or whatever… and it seems like now, you guys have started using this word

                    People like you will either always vote right wing (and lie), or sit on the fence and find problems with EVERY candidate so you don’t need to make a decision (because you like abusing people, and you’ll ultimately find problems with every candidate).

                    Stop gaslighting everyone. They’re not the same. The fact that you think a convicted rapist/tax cheat/person who incites violence directly, is exactly the same as someone who helped convict people like him, i’d argue is why your professor probably doesn’t like you either (and probably graded you as such).

              • @Blumpkinhead
                04 months ago

                How would you leverage your vote in this instance?

          • @PapaStevesy
            4 months ago

            You: “I don’t like these two candidates so I’m going to do everything I can to ensure the worst one wins!”

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              I’m going to ensure people know they are other options than voting for genocide. if harris loses to fucking trump as a result, that’s her fault not mine. learn to place blame were it properly belongs: On the person committed to a genocide. I didnt force her down this path. I didnt force you down this path. You and her choose it willingly.

              Let me know when you’re willing to stop supporting a genocide and then we can talk.

              • @PapaStevesy
                4 months ago

                I’m going to ensure people know they are other options

                I haven’t heard of any viable option, so you’ve failed. The only way to accomplish what you want to accomplish, what we all want to accomplish, is to elect enough local politicians that support massive electoral overhaul to disrupt the two party system. FPtP and winner-take-all must go, but we’re never gonna get there by throwing our votes away to unviable third parties. In the meantime, we do the best with what we have and we let logic rule our decisions, not emotion. Try it!

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  Viable isnt the goal. The goal is to withholding support for genocidal candidate keep up.

                  You can absolutely do that by supporting 3rd party candidates.

                  1. If you live in a 💜 state lie to your candidates and exit polls, say you do not support harris support instead and cite genocide for the reason. But shes likely your best bet so no hurt feelings either way you vote. But remember its Harris’ responsibility to earn your vote through policies and positions. She doesnt have many this year besides not being a fascist and that sadly probably enough in those states honestly. To the Arab community her treatment of your community has been horrible and disgusting and I’m sorry I’ll continue fighting for your family as i can.
                  2. If you live in a 💙 state, and most of us do, there are 16, consider with holding your vote for harris. Let your critters know what you’re doing and why.
                  3. If you live in a💩state im sorry 😔. I have no advice for you except be as active as you can local elections.
          • @CptEnder
            24 months ago

            Hey it’s cool you can just say you support Trump, no need for the extra steps.