I want to automate pentapod eggs without having to kill any surplus when they expire. Just to avoid being the bad guys as much as possible… How do you do that?

I thought about shipping any surplus eggs to a far away place and letting them hatch there, but I’m worried it will become too crowded.

Another idea is to throttle the production, but it can’t go any lower than one egg per 15 minutes.

How do you do it? Any other ideas?

  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Ethical, factorio, pick one. May I remind you of your war crimes on Nauvis?

    All jokes aside, this is an interesting idea. Perhaps you could use the recursive blueprint mod to change the drop off location to avoid overcrowding? Not sure about how to do that in vanilla though.

    • @TaZOP
      64 months ago

      It’s brilliant how the devs force us to be the baddies!