I’m talking about a fan theory, that if true doesn’t drastically upend the fundamentals of the fiction it is set in.

Mine is that in the American Dad episode ‘Can I Be Frank With You’, that Snot’s uncle is actually just another Roger persona. He appears suddenly and conveniently to pitch a bizarre scheme, he loves hanging around with teen boys and doing drugs, and the very instant that the plan has a setback he kills himself out of sight of everyone else. That’s just Roger in a suit and glasses.

Edit: Ok, so, people are having trouble with the word “inconsequential”.

  • @Jonnyprophet
    44 months ago

    And, tbh, in the first movie (ANH), Han surprised and flies up behind Darth Vader, the Dark Jedi lord and best pilot flying a military TIE fighter, in the Falcon, essentially a souped up semi truck of a space ship. He then proceeds to shoot his ass out of the sky, the Force be damned.

    Is it just me or is there something more going on here. That ship has some deep seated, Knight Rider, Herbie the Love Bug, strange magic going on.

    Han and Chewie are good… But just maybe the Falcon is gooder.

    • @Postmortal_Pop
      14 months ago

      Not only is it a military ship built for the exact type of situation out was in, but it was a custom build by Vader himself. Being a very skilled mechanic is almost more fundamental to his character then hating sand. He built a race winning podracer out of trash, imagine what he can do with 20 years more practice and the entire imperial budget.

      And yet, an outdated tugboat from before he was born managed to take him down. That ship has soul.