“It’s not like the government is forcing you to buy a car!”

If you live in a city with parking minimums, yes they fucking are.

  • @chiliedogg
    14 months ago

    Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    A few years ago, the planning director made a presentation at council about putting in sidewalks and bike lanes. The citizens freaked out and all complained to Council that the city would be invaded by the homeless if it were made more pedestrian and bicycle friendly or had bus stops.

    2 weeks later, that planning director was fired.

    Planners don’t actually get to plan cities. We implement comprehensive plans set by council, write code amendments when instructed to by council, review development plans for compliance with code, and enforce code.

    My small department also handles building permits and inspections, oversees civil engineering (our actual engineers are third-party), and manages public works projects.

    Pretty much no city planners actually make policy. The “planning” we do is pretty much scheduling the work that’s already been approved.

    What about the comprehensive plan updates? We don’t really get involved with that because we’re too busy with everything else. When comp plan season comes around, cities hire outside firms to help them develop the plan.

    • @D1G17AL
      14 months ago

      Oh shut up. You asked for an answer to how it would be paid for and how to implement. You keep moving the goalposts. Shut the fuck up.

      • @chiliedogg
        14 months ago

        No. I explained why politics prevents planners from implementing these ideas.When did you get your planning degree, and how many years of experience do you have in municipal planning?

        Or did you watch a few YouTube videos and read some blogs and decide you know more than those of us in the field?

        Do you also “do your own research” about vaccines and second-guess your doctor?

        • @D1G17AL
          14 months ago

          No, I just can tell when someone has given up on their field of work. You sound like you’ve given up. Quit your job.

          • @chiliedogg
            04 months ago

            No. You just literally don’t know what the job of a city planner is.

            A planner doesn’t design a city any more than a police officer writes laws. We implement policies written by others.

            • @D1G17AL
              04 months ago

              Quit acting so high and mighty. You aren’t special.

              • @chiliedogg
                14 months ago

                Exactly! Planners don’t get to circumvent the process and enact legislation because we aren’t special.