What an incredible week. It’s genuinely difficult to choose! What do you all have planned? For those of you who have everything, what are your favourites?

On offer:

  • Latron
  • Strun
  • Furis
  • Furax
  • Bo

My personal favourite this week is the Furax. Furis is also probably the king this week. Latron follows closely if you’re like me and married to your Akarius or Grimoire.

So, let’s talk about the weapons!


There’s a lot to love here. Double Tap is kind of unreasonable to have on an Incarnon, but here we are: stacking damage from 1.2x, to 1.4x, up to 5x damage. Can also remove armour with Flensing Spikes if you have no other source. Just an extremely powerful weapon. If anyone wants to test this, I’m curious if Blast detonations add Double Tap stacks.


Like the Bo this week, pretty no-frills. It’s a good and reliable weapon for killing priority targets and doing a bit of crowd sweeping.


The spiciest blowtorch in the game. It’s an absolute monster. Outburst and Encumber are my personal favourite builds, and you can pretty reasonably build either Heat or Blast depending on what you’re trying to kill; Blast is as always the perfect all-rounder.

I admit, after reviewing the evolutions for this writeup, I’m really curious about a deliberately nerfed build around Conjunction Voltage, Stormburst and Prelude of Might to stack up huge multishot… for the memes.


This might be my second-favourite Incarnon of all time. Where do I start, it has so much going for it!

The first thing is it’s strong, and fist weapons have really cool animations. I make joyous “DOONG” sounds every time I heavy attack. The best bit though is that this is a specialised heavy slam weapon, as if you’re the host (most of the time) it has 90% heavy slam efficiency. With the new Galv Reflex, you can just keep throwing out heavy slams to your heart’s content.

The other perk is that it is compatible with Amalgam Furax Body Count, which confers +30% fire rate to secondaries and also staggers nearby enemies whenever you get a melee kill. Great on Gloom frames.

Finally, the Wraith variant also has heightened initial combo so you can heavy attack a little harder.

This can also be evolved into a combo storage weapon, so one setup I use is Rauta, an Outburst secondary for priority killing, and an Influence Furax for crowd clearing.


Another uncomplicated beatstick. It’s a staff. I use it as an Influence nuker (waddatwist), but I believe Clashing Forest is good for racking Afflictions stacks? I’ll actually have to hand discussion off to someone else, I don’t really know much about staves.

  • Convict45
    5 months ago

    Really no bad choices this week. I have all of them Incarnated, and I’m always happy to see one of them show up as SP Circuit options.

    You glossed over the Furax having a slam radius almost as big as the biggest in game. Fun with a “Invisible Slamming Death from Above” Wisp!