Photo de mon clic-clac


Et hop ma nouvelle chambre est en place. Ah ça fait du bien 😍

  • @graeghos_714
    33 months ago

    That was back in the late 70’s. I wasn’t a big fan of my bed being a couch too, but at least I had a bit more room than the other 2 beds squeezed behind portable closets. I live in Michigan now and we’ve had a beautiful fall so far. We’re supposed to get rain for Halloween but it may be done by the time the kids get out. It supposed to be 78 degrees today which is really nice for late October

    • Snoopy
      33 months ago

      Well, i’m finally switching from a sturdy camping bed and that’s an huge change in my life. I also live in a small room so i don’t have lot space. So that bed is perfect. ^^

      78°F quite nice, here it is getting colder and colder with the rain. The winter is coming, i’m kinda sad because my favorite season is ending. ^^

      I hope it wont rain during Halloween and the street will be filled with plenty cute little monsters which they are. :)