I know that remakes and remasters are contentious, but let’s pretend whatever game in question you’re thinking of is handled with the utmost care by your favourite devs and they absolutely nail it.

Mine would be Shadow of Memories (called Shadow of Destiny in North America). It’s legitimately one of my favourite games of all time but it kinda flew under the radar and I haven’t met many people who know of it let alone played it. Seeing it get modern graphics, maybe some expanded mechanics, would be soooo cool.

  • @darthelmet
    4 months ago

    Not a niche game, but: day (???) of waiting for Sony to put Bloodborne on PC.

    Also, this is a bit of a tangent, but I really wish Nintendo would start putting some of their games on PC. Not even so that I can play them, I do have a switch, but because there are quite a few of them that just don’t do well on console, either performance-wise or in terms of UX. For example, I’ve been playing the new Zelda game. The game’s core mechanic involves scrolling through a MASSIVE list of objects to find what you’re looking for and the best solution the game has for this is a handful of sorting options that only get you so far when there are just this many things. Without changing any of the gameplay, you could make the experience soooo much better by:

    • Letting you use a mouse on the menu.
    • Adding a basic search filter.
    • Letting you hotkey some echoes.

    Some games just deserve better treatment than what they got from the limitations of their original platforms.