With all the money going into the Ukraine war and other ventures since Putin came to power, I imagine there’s a lot of stuff he could’ve done to make the world a better place and Russia a formidable world power.

  • HobbitFoot
    33 months ago

    He was the heir apparent to Yeltsin, which might have given him enough power to win the election by himself.

    I agree Putin didn’t start off as a good guy, but I focused more on his continued presence in power and there was a peaceful transition of power between the two Presidents.

    • @chonglibloodsport
      63 months ago

      Heir apparent is one way to put it. I would argue that he used the Moscow Apartment Bombings as a false flag to install himself, just as Hitler did with the Reichstag Fire.

      Both leaders (Putin and Hitler) already had a lot of power prior to the false flags but those attacks cemented their rule as dictators.