Got team killed in revenge twice in 2 different games in less than 10 mins. Sure, I effed up and shot a diver. It happens we all shoot and get shot. It’s a flaming shotgun it’s not easy to control and they were behind a bug.

You reinforce, apologize and move on for the mission. You do not revenge kill your fellow diver the moment you step out of your pod and then say it’s my fault.

That’s enough for me tonight.

  • @P1k1e
    44 months ago

    I feel this man, I even play with a guy who rushes into the front whilst the teams defending a point and gets mad that he gets hit while in the line of fire. It irritates the crap oudda me.

    But at the same time, getting constantly killed by folks who “never” check their fire can be a pain, but the simplest solution is, break off or change your play style when their around