    04 months ago

    Because you will go to any lengths and adopt any position to defend her, no matter how absurd.

    • Flying SquidOP
      14 months ago

      Oh, is that what FlyingSquid does? I had no idea. In fact, I thought that wasn’t true about them at all.

      Please tell me more about FlyingSquid.

      • OBJECTION!
        4 months ago

        I don’t know anything about you aside from what you posted, which clearly demonstrates that you’ll adopt completely absurd positions to defend Harris.

        But why don’t you tell me more about myself, since you said I either wasn’t an American or skipped high school civics? You seem to have knowledge about me that’s unrelated to anything I posted, while the reverse isn’t true.

        • Flying SquidOP
          4 months ago

          Because you will go to any lengths and adopt any position to defend her, no matter how absurd.

          I don’t know anything about you aside from what you posted, which clearly demonstrates that you’ll adopt completely absurd positions to defend Harris.

          You know how to use the search function in Lemmy, I assume. Please find me defending Harris’ position on fracking and immigration.

          It should take you a few minutes, but I’ll give you an hour.

          Unless you want to admit right now that you’re lying about me.

          Especially when I didn’t even defend her position on Israel.

          • OBJECTION!
            14 months ago

            Fine, “perfect” is an exaggeration. You’ll acknowledge minor flaws, but will still go to any lengths, adopt the most unreasonable positions, and bury your head in the sand to deny anything that’s actually disqualifing.

            Saying that “you didn’t even defend her position on Israel” is completely ridiculous. This whole conversation is only happening because of your conspiracy theory about Kamala being secretly pro-Palestine. Look at this fucking post, you compared her to Princess Leia and compared the idea that she supports the Palestinian genocide, which she does, to the idea that Leia was responsible for not doing enough to “stop” the destruction of Alderaan. It’s an insane degree of whitewashing, Kamala isn’t just “failing to stop” a genocide, she is actively supporting and enabling it. And you claim you, “Didn’t even defend her stance on Israel.” Get outta here with that bullshit, who do you even think you’re fooling?

            • Flying SquidOP
              04 months ago

              Immigration and environmental policy are minor flaws to you? Really? Climate change is a minor issue to you?

              your conspiracy theory about Kamala being secretly pro-Palestine

              And now you’re lying again. I said no such thing. I said we don’t know.

              I see no reason to continue a conversation with someone who repeatedly lies about what I said and what I think to my face.

              But before I go, you and people like you never get it. I don’t love Kamala Harris. I hate Donald Trump. It’s really that simple.

              • OBJECTION!
                14 months ago

                And now you’re lying again. I said no such thing. I said we don’t know.

                That’s like saying “We just don’t know whether evolution is real” and then hiding behind the “don’t know” when called on it. It’s still a conspiracy theory even if you only partially believe in it.

                I haven’t lied once, except for a minor exaggeration that I acknowledged. Tell yourself whatever you have to.