I have completed my anual Pixel Dungeon archive.

Over 500 version’s covered, more details, more icons, searchable content (prior PDF was image only).

Links to download all apk’s, jar’s and more are included.

PDF available HERE

User = Pixel

Password = Dungeon



PDreport.pdf is in the Extra folder 📂

Updated Dec. 13th, 2024

  • Trashbox_Bobylev
    4 months ago

    Extended Experienced PD entry shows Serenity PD icon.

    Shorter PD entry uses Minecraft PD icon.

    Rat King Adventures entry uses EZ Dungeon icon.

    Experienced PD 1.x is not present (it’s a different mod from Experienced PD 2.x).

    • [DEV] SnailOP
      14 months ago

      Appreciate the review. Making corrections and will upload a revised version soon.

      • Trashbox_Bobylev
        4 months ago

        Rearranged PD uses debug icons which is incorrect.

        My own guess for why there is so many incorrect icons is:

        a) you choose icons manually, which is not really a good thing, if this thing is supposed to be automated

        b) your tools just pick ic_launcher.png… which is incorrect choice for many post-2019 forks due to actual two-layer format of icon, composed of foreground and background pngs; you should compose a full icon, if those layer files are available

        Also, a fatal flaw: all download links point to your local file system, so they are useless to anyone who doesn’t have access to your I: hard drive.

        • [DEV] SnailOP
          4 months ago

          I will address the REarranged icons.

          I use several different tools, mainly apkanalyzer for icons. Some apk’s as you point out have multiple images and a few don’t follow standard protocol at all. When that happens the tools report no icon. I then do a manual extraction and edit that are then added to the final “tweaks” so that the next time I run the tools I don’t have to do it again manually.

          The link’s point to my archive. My PD archive is close to 7GB and I connect to the Internet via cellphone which makes uploading painful. I am hoping to get my GDrive updated and then I will change the links to point to GDrive.

          “My own guess for why there is so many incorrect…” Less than a dozen corrections on more than 400 games isn’t so many. I appreciate the reviews and don’t mind making the corrections. Once the bug’s are hammered out, updating and additions will be easy. That has been a long time goal for this project.

          • Trashbox_Bobylev
            24 months ago

            When that happens the tools report no icon.

            At least for me, the ic_launcher layers are reported as mipmaps and are always at same locations, so I don’t what is the block here to automatic retrieval of icons. I do not mean to insult, I am just suggesting how to automate it even further and with more compatibility.

            I connect to the Internet via cellphone which makes uploading painful.

            That’s too relatable…

            Less than a dozen corrections on more than 400 games isn’t so many.

            That’s really only because I pointed out games I know personally. There might be more PDs in list, that show debug icon because they did not set non-layered icon properly.

      • Trashbox_Bobylev
        4 months ago

        Also, here’s a question: do all mod and zaystringofnumbers mods do translations? or there is something else?

        • [DEV] SnailOP
          14 months ago

          The modder is somewhat vague but does say that they do Asian language adaptations and changes that generally make game play easier.