• @Beldarofremulak
    354 months ago

    Not to sound dumb but do you have a list of places they can play? I’m not super informed and would like to be. Specifically what places can they play that a quick Google won’t invalidate with historic or current atrocities?

    • @gAlienLifeform
      84 months ago

      Doesn’t seem particularly confusing to me, Thurston Moore figured it out.

      From the above article,

      In a separate statement attached to the letter, Thurston Moore said: “If any concerned, humanitarian-conscious activists employ a boycott to protest brutal injustice in their country and request artists and scholars to refrain from working and/or being promoted as supportive of the normalization of that country—then I choose NOT to cross that line and suggest to all to not be complicit. It is a small sacrifice in respect to those who struggle in honourable opposition to state-sponsored fascism.”

      • @Beldarofremulak
        124 months ago

        Forgive me again. I’m dumb. Shouldn’t we boycott any country and all of it’s citizens who purchase things made in China? What with the whole Uyghurs thing going on right now? Also what about nations that give humanitarian aid to Afghanistan? BRICS nations and basically the whole West are all tangentially connected to current ongoing atrocities as are the countries that willfully receive aid from those nations. So just so I know who to support. What countries are clean enough for Radio Head to play there?

        • @[email protected]
          -64 months ago

          You are adding degrees of indirection that don’t apply, the playing dumb act is one thing but all you can say with your reasoning is they shouldn’t play in Afghanistan or China which people might agree with.

          Nobody’s saying they shouldn’t play in Germany because Germany supports Israel.

          • @Beldarofremulak
            94 months ago

            I’m using the same stupid all or nothing logic the people I replied to are using. If playing a concert in Israel means you support Israel then purchasing items or items with components made in China means you support China. If you elect a representative that votes to send aid to the afghans then you support Al Qaeda. It sounds stupid because it is. Just like saying Radio Head supports the Israeli government and it’s actions by playing a concert there is stupid.

            • @[email protected]
              -24 months ago

              People are explaining the nuance to you and you’re not getting it, maybe it wasn’t an act.

              Don’t deprive German consumers of Coca Cola they did nothing wrong

    • @[email protected]
      -24 months ago

      let he who is without sin cast the first stone isn’t really about encouraging everyone to cast stones simultaneously and at will

    • @rockSlayer
      -34 months ago

      They’re allowed to play wherever they want. If they cared about the genocide then they would boycott Israel.