Can I cultivate live food in the same tank as my Endler guppy? (I plan on adding other fish in the future). I have read that it is not smart to grow daphnia as they reproduce very quickly and outcompete for oxygen.

So is it possible to breed live food in the same tank to create some kind of biome, maybe with some other species? (Monia, fairy shrimp, Rotifer Brachionus)

  • heartbreakerOP
    5 months ago

    I ended up adding 10 cherry shrimp with plants they can hide in. When shrimp reproduce, they go for the quantity strategy, so they have a lot of babies in the hope that some survive. Some of these babies get eaten by the fish. A nice bonus is that the shrimp eat food leftovers and algae.

    As for creating stability, I do daily 10% water changes, as I don’t have room for a large filter. Something more complex will require a larger tank.