While researching good PSP games to play I found many posts about Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and other Monster Hunter games. They are beloved by the community but after doing some reading/watching it’s not clear to me what the appeal is. I would appreciate if someone could tell what the goal is and what you love about the game. Apparently they are very long games (I think I read 100 hours or something along those lines) which is really great if I can get into a single game for that long. Thank you!

  • @Carmakazi
    164 months ago

    It’s somewhat like Dark Souls in that there’s appeal in mastering the enemies you fight in predicting their moves and timing your own. Finding a weapon that jives with you, buildcrafting, etc. It is a circular gameplay loop in that you kill monster, cut them up, use pieces to make gear, use gear to hunt better monsters…but that’s not a bad thing I think.

    It can be a more challenging game than it might seem on its face, especially Freedom Unite, and especially with the limited control schemes of the older portable consoles. I started with 4U and find I struggle going back to it after playing World and Rise.