this is a really underdocumented feature that this extension supports, wanted to share it with people. i’ve never written and shared a blog post like this before so feel free to give me tips about documenting steps or point out any errors i made. i kinda take docker knowldge for granted, not sure if i should avoid that. here’s the contents:

I came across documentation for this in the readme for the FreshRSS extension YoutubeChannel2RssFeed. The method involves running an instance of the Youtube-operational-API (there was a public instance that has been cease and desisted by Google, see here) and plugging the extension into it.

YoutubeChannel2RssFeed Extension

TL;DR install this extension

git clone
cd cntools_FreshRssExtension
cp -r xExtension-YouTubeChannel2RssFeed <your_freshrss_data_directory>/config/www/freshrss/extensions

Youtube-operational-API instance

Here’s a Docker compose.yml for running both

    container_name: freshrss
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
      - ./freshrss/config:/config
      - "8811:80""
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: freshrss-yt-o-api
    image: benjaminloison/youtube-operational-api:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8812:80"
     - freshrss

Configuring extension

In FreshRSS, log in as admin and go to Configuration > Extensions. Turn on YoutubeChannel2RssFeed under User extensions and click the gear to configure.

Set Youtube Shorts to be marked as read or blocked completely. Enter the URL for your yt-o-api instance. Based on the above compose file it would be http://freshrss-yt-o-api:8812. Submit changes.

For me this worked immediately, no shorts ever show up in FreshRSS for my Youtube feeds. I haven’t seen this documented anywhere else so I wanted to mirror it somewhere.

  • @slugOP
    14 months ago

    i’m pretty sure you can just drop the normal channel url into freshrss and it’ll convert it automatically. maybe it’s an extension doing that though