The ballot drop boxes in Washington and Oregon both have fire suppression systems that are designed to activate when the temperature inside reaches a certain point, coating ballots inside with a fire-suppressing powder.

For unknown reasons, the system failed to prevent the destruction of hundreds of ballots in Vancouver, just across the Columbia River from Portland.

  • @bitjunkie
    04 months ago

    Shitty strawman but I guess we can’t expect much from the schools out there

    • @Maggoty
      4 months ago

      And who are you? You’re out here defending something awfully close to stochastic terrorism by assuming all the worst stuff about the people someone else was talking about. They literally said,

      You can’t prosecute the meth out of a redneck, America has tried for decades.

      There are people who have the basic mammalian capability for aversion association, and people who don’t, these morons are no more capable of >learning than ants.

      Don’t bother trying to set an example, just use enforced attrition.

      And you’re out here like, they’re obviously talking about the locking up criminals. And you blow right by the fact that long sentences are the traditional means of setting an example, it’s already a thing to lock people up in way they never come back to the street, as an example. So what’s next? What’s further down the path? Beyond long sentences to set an example? Well your bestest buddy here uses the words, “enforced attrition.” Let’s have a look at the definitions for those words.

      Enforced - To cause something to happen by force.

      Attrition - The action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.

      So we’re going cause the reduction in strength of rednecks by force. And lest you think we would be talking about forcing them to eat less, this is a specific example in the dictionary for attrition,

      The gradual reduction of a workforce by employees’ leaving and not being replaced rather than by their being laid off.

      So I don’t know where you went to school, but at mine they taught us critical reading. And this reads like some shit Goebbels would say. And that’s proving Godwin’s Law.