By old-timey names, I mean ones that you don’t typically associate with anyone alive or younger than like 70.

Examples being:

  • Burl
  • Mildred
  • Herbert
  • Agnes
  • Evelyn (not as rare at the others, but getting there)

I’ve always liked the name “Opal” but I’ve only ever known two in my life. I was like 10-12 at the time, and they were both pushing 90.

  • @BanjoShepard
    4 months ago

    My wife liked the idea of Eleanor if we had a girl, I never liked it, but luckily we had a boy, so we didn’t have to cross that bridge.

    At work, we named the old, decrepit copier Opal in an effort to humanize it and get people to treat the old girl with more love and patience.