Is this an old person thing? Do people actually do this?

  • @daggermoonOP
    24 months ago

    Thank you! You’re the first person to catch that song reference. Dead Moon is way underrated.

    I will admit it’s very comfortable when I make the bed after washing my sheets. I just don’t like making the bed, especially in the morning. Maybe it’s me being, tired, busy, or lazy. In any case, it gives me something to look forward to when washing sheets.

    • diegantobass
      24 months ago

      The person who introduced me to Dead Moon said something like “they inspired a lot of great bands but few people know/like them”. And it’s terribly true, isn’t it?

      I’m lying in bed and I’m glad I made it this morning

      • @daggermoonOP
        14 months ago

        I remember reading somewhere that Kurt Cobain was a fan, so much so he invited them to open for Nirvana in 1992. Dead Moon was touring New Zealand at the time and didn’t want to cancel a gig for a better gig.

        • diegantobass
          24 months ago

          Hahaha great story! I love how their lack of success seems like a self inflicted mediocrity plague. I really love “bad” music.

          Kurt Cobain also helped bring attention to Daniel Johnston by wearing his shirt on stage at his big mtv appearance. Another great “bad” artist I love.