Below are some links to a ton of books and other useful materials, taken from this Reddit post from the original SR subreddit.

Additionally, here is a link to another original Reddit post entitled “Key quotes from books and deeper research”. It’s a great starting point to understanding the negative physiological effects of PMO (Porn, Masturbation and Orgasm) and the contrasting positive effects one can receive by retaining. I will copy the quotes down below.

Here are the links to the book collection:

LINK1 - (

LINK2 - (

LINK3 - (

"All 3 links have the same materials, at least one link should remain for a long time.

It’s a 15Gb package with over 150 books, hundreds of articles, videos, images and testimonies from this very sub." -OP

Quotes (copied from above reddit post):

“Many who are self-taught far excel the doctors, masters, and bachelors of the most renowned universities.” Ludwig von Mises

“he is inactive, indifferent, and destitute of energy. The lymphatic temperament is marked in him by his insensibility, his apathy, no less than by the delicacy of his flesh, and the whiteness of his skin. He has preserved from infancy the disposition given by feebleness, to be excited by the least cause: hence he is timid and pusillanimous and cowardly. Devoid of any internal feeling which renders the soul gay, he is morose and wearisome. He is destitute of those feelings which attach man to man and render one capable of attachment, love, and devotion. He lives, he vegetates only for himself: he is a perfect egotist: if he has any sentiments they are those of envy or hatred: in fact they are repulsive sentiments: but most frequently he has none or they are very slight. (…)

His intelligence is but moderate and he is never known to conceive or execute great ideas. This picture is not drawn from the imagination; it is the result of long continued observations at all periods, in all places, and upon all kinds of eunuchs. (…)

It is not uncommon to see onanists affected with a complete state of marasmus: their frame is reduced to a skeleton and presents in anticipation a picture of the state in which death will soon place them.(…)

In the morning he rises from his bed with difficulty: during the day he is idle, stupid, and indolent, and pursues his avocations without any spirit. If he goes up stairs, or ascends a hill, his heart beats forcibly, and he pants very much.(…)

Young men, who previously showed considerable vivacity of mind and aptitude for study, become, after being addicted to this habit, stupid, and incapable of applying themselves (…)

she had been in the habit of seeing boys from ten to twelve years old; that since she had returned home, she had had no opportunity, and had indulged in self-pollution. In vain did her parents try to wean her from this vice (…) But a horrid inclination soon appeared: she now desired to see her parents dead, and even to murder them.(…)

in a young man, twenty years old, who, indulging in these excesses for several years, gradually lost his mental faculties, became averse to even his relatives and dearest friends, and finally fell into a most perfect state of dementia. The relative frequency of this form of mental alienation in onanists has been pointed out in France by Esquirol, and in Norway by Holst. (…)

that the removal of one testicle from an animal, whatever may be its species, may produce atrophy, or some alteration in the lobe of the cerebellum, on the side opposite to the testicle removed.(!) (…)

Segalas, who produced erections of the penis in Guinea pigs, by introducing a stylet into the cerebellum, caused ejaculations by pushing this instrument into the spinal column, near the lumbar region. (…) he therefore concluded that the lower part of the spinal marrow acts on the secretory and excreting seminal apparatus, as the cerebellum acts on the genital sense.(…)

1839 Treatise on the diseases produced by Onanism, masturbation, self-pollution and other excesses

(Quick review: a big one with plenty of recorded cases and many observations from doctors, what’s important to note is at the beginning of the book it is stated that no one even denies the damage of masturbation, it was common knowledge (!!!) amongst doctors from all nations, groups, religions, the question is only how much damage can be done by it)

“Lower forms of sexual activity insult the Divine Shakti and obtain the Retribution of Nature. Nature assures that these “fall down to the nature of demons.” (Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita) Basically, if you repeatedly break moral law concerning sex, your life becomes darker and less successful on all levels. Then one ends up becoming sexually perverted. Most human sorrow, and all human sexual perversion is the result of repeatedly breaking sexual moral law and indulging in illicit sex. On the larger front, a part of the process is that all of society becomes chaotic*, and Nature, itself, is violated. (…)

How the westerner dreams he is qualified to improve ancient dharma is a great mystery. Is it because we have nuclear waste? Or is it the “palm pilot?” Is it the holy automobile? Is it because of the sterile and dangerous hell-realms we call our cities? Is it because we have succeeded in destroying family and community? Is this superiority demonstrated by our marked consumption of anti-depressants? Our materialism? Are these what make westerners superior and able to “improve” the ancient dharma? Who knows.(…)

Earnest effort to know and practice the ancient dharma does bear real fruit. (…)

In the astral you can’t hide your real state. Most men at night run all around the planes with erections on. (…) Realize that even a moderate Restrainer is bound for glory. And a serious Restrainer will naturally become a mogul, saint, or legend.(…) It is almost impossible to achieve celibacy if you drink any caffeine – even a little bit. Westerners attempting celibacy are generally ignorant of this detail.(…)

All ancient cultures, where life moved slowly and people observed things, did not miss the fact that in the male orgasm something is lost and given up. They also did not miss the fact that this loss has a tremendous effect on the male.(…)

Since the orgasm has this negative effect on males, its avoidance has the opposite effect. By storing up sexual energy a man becomes stronger, healthier, and more vital. He becomes more ambitious too and creative in doing good. He becomes more patient and successful with people. And he develops stamina and endurance to see his works through to conclusions. So the sexually restrained male becomes more successful in general. Beyond that, he even develops occult power to influence things by sheer thought and will.

There seems to be a soft limit on characters for a post, so I’m including the rest of the quotes in the comments.

  • @kaxoraOPM
    1 year ago


    1934 Practice of Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda

    (Quick review: Swami Sivananda, a self realized saint who healed hundreds and authored over 200 books wrote this overview of the practice and vast benefits of true Brahmacharya. The book goes into many benefits and observes all topics of sexuality, traps of the mind, problems of the body and Sivananda’s vision and advice to youngsters)

    "continence per se can never do harm, but is always beneficial; and that when trouble occurs in an individual not practicing normal sex relations, the fault is not continence but some vicarious means of sex expression, excessive nocturnal emissions, etc. In view of the richness of the semen in lecithin, [1] cholesterol, phosphorus and other constituents of nervous and brain tissue it is clear that it is incontinence, or loss of these valuable nerve-nourishing substances which, by promoting undernutrition, is responsible for disturbed functioning of the nervous system and brain, and never true continence, contrary to the unscientific views of the psychoanalysts. (…)

    4. Observations of the immediate effects of the sexual orgasm indicate that it temporarily exhausts the nervous system, and when repeated too frequently leads to chronic nerve-weakness (sexual neurasthenia).
    5. Continence is beneficial to the brain (for conserved lecithin from retained semen is a true brain food). Hence some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led continent lives. These include Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer, etc.
    6. Recent physiological evidence, pointing to the fact that the seminal fluid contains substances of great physiological value (such as Poehl's Spermine, which is a nerve-stimulant, lecithin, cholesterin, vitamin E, male sex hormones, etc.) supports the idea that continence is beneficial to health, as do the experiments of Prof. Brown-Sequard on the vitalizing effects of testicular extracts and those of Prof. Steinach on the rejuvenation that follows the enforced conservation of semen through ligature of the efferent testicular duct.
    7. Leading physiologists, urologists, genito-urinary specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists endorse the physiological value of continence.


    Among such authorities are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others. Dr. Jacobson sent two hundred letters to professors of physiology, hygiene, venereal diseases, nervous diseases, neurology and psychiatry, inquiring as to their opinions concerning continence. All answers with few exceptions declared continence to be conductive to health.

    Dr. Bernard S. Talmey, an eminent American gynecologist and authority on sex, expresses a similar opinion, and states that in the absence of sexually exciting stimuli, the semen and spermatozoa are produced in smaller amounts and are completely resorbed through the seminal vesicles, so that continence becomes easy and natural; the conservation of this vital fluid, he claims, is necessary for the attainment of the greatest vigor of body and brain (…)

    Young bulls frequently faint away after the first connection with a cow, and it is very common to observe a young bull so exhausted that he sneaks off to a quiet corner and lies down for a couple of hours. Fainting, however, does not occur in dogs, for the dog’s connection is prolonged and thus shock is avoided; also the dog has no seminal vesicles. In the case of the boar, the orgasm rises to such a pitch that the animal seems on the verge of pain, and is usually exhausted for several hours. (…)

    Our insane asylums are now overfilled with the victims of thoughtless sexual indulgence which has withdrawn valuable nutrients from the brain and disordered its functioning. These pitiful individuals, when in possession of their normal brain-structure, never realized that with each discharge of seminal fluid, they are pouring forth the very substance of their nerves and brain, until a time is reached when their brain is so sapped of lecithin that it ceases to function. Measurements have shown an actual decrease in the lecithin content of the brains of the insane. (…)

    Animals, like men, become perverted sexually and victims of an exaggerated sexual urge when they are subjected to artificial feeding and confinement. Thus apes, when confined to a cage and fed on meat and other sexually stimulating food, while previously gentle and tame on a fruit diet, become extremely licentious and vicious. Then they masturbate excessively and have intercourse daily, while the female consequently menstruates as freely as a woman. (…)

    came across a child of nine who had three testicles and whose intelligence was far above that which is considered normal at its age. The parents, alarmed by the unusual characteristics of the child, had the extra testicle removed. Some months later the child’s intellectual development underwent a regression, which brought it down to the mental level corresponding to its age. (…)

    and when the concentration of brain lecithin is sufficiently lowered, insanity is the result. Sexual excess produces a similar effect; and, together with alcohol, constitutes a principal cause of neuropsychopathic conditions. (…)

    There is evidence that spermatozoa, when not discharged, are resorbed into the blood-stream and carried to the brain. Both in their chemical composition and their elongated form, they have a remarkable similarity to brain-cells, which, like them, lack the capacity of reproduction, in contrast to most other cells of the body which have this capacity. The seminal fluid is distributed in all the nerves of the body; it seems to be of the same nature. (…)

    “The loss of concentration of lecithin and phosphates becomes a serious drain on the nervous system. Lecithin and phosphates are the principal components in the structure of the brain.”