Summary: Author Michael Wolff alleges that Jeffrey Epstein showed him photos of Donald Trump with topless young women at Epstein’s Palm Beach home. Trump’s campaign has denied the claims, calling Wolff a “disgraced” writer. Wolff also expressed skepticism about Epstein’s death, suggesting it was implausible but also questioning the possibility of a cover-up.

  • @Doomsider
    4 months ago

    Argarath dies on the hill for defending pedophiles because “logic”.

    It was strange that Argarath choose this fate but some people can’t help themselves. That is why I suggest you donate to NALRWCHDOTHFP today

    The National Association of Logical Retards Who Can’t Help Dying On The Hill For Pedophiles works with individuals like Argarath everyday to prevent this tragic mistake.

    NALRWCHDOTHFP helps these individuals see that even if they are right, they shouldn’t be commenting an articles about pedophiles. After all, you can be right and you can be dead right.

    Music plays in memory of Argarath.