So I saw that first trailer and wrote the whole movie off.

Months later, amidst the shockingly positive reception, I was curious enough to see it for myself. And damn, it’s actually pretty great and I saw it twice. Being a Transformers fan can be hard with the inconsistent quality, and I’m still surprised they pulled off a great animated movie where the robots were the sole focus. It also had many lore elements I’d long wanted to see on the big screen, which I won’t spoil.

I think casual and longtime fans alike would enjoy it. Given the current underperformance, I’m not holding out for a sequel, but I’m damn pleased we got this one at all. I’ll forever be grateful to the cast and crew for bringing Orion Pax and D-16 into theaters.

  • @ChowJeeBai
    24 months ago

    I’m a huge fan of the original movie, and went in skeptical as heck, but coming out, i thought they did a fantastic job with the motivation of the 2 mains and got goosebumps during the reveal. A bit kiddy in some parts, but all in all a good watch. Well done to the studio. Only later found out some avengers were in the cast too!

    • @thrawnOP
      14 months ago

      Yeah, I’m very impressed. Which original movie btw, 84 or 07? I’ve heard both referred to as the first

      • @ChowJeeBai
        24 months ago

        '84. There were NO other movies!