A new and complete translation has been released for the classic PlayStation 1 RPG Popolocrois Monogatari 2. This game, originally developed by G-Artists and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEI), follows a young prince on an epic quest to save his kingdom from an evil goddess.

Summary of Key Points:

  • The original game was released in Japan back in the year 2000.
  • It’s part of the Popolocrois series, which started with the 1984 manga and was followed by two previous PlayStation 1 titles: Popolocrois Monogatari (1996) and Poporogue (1998).
  • A prior translation existed in a PSP game combining events of both Popolocrois games, but it wasn’t entirely faithful to the original story.
  • Zenksren has now created a more complete English patch, which includes staff credits for LostOkina, Wyrdwad, Aquagon, ERT, and ???. The translation is available on ROM Hack Plaza and has been tested on real hardware, Retroarch (SwanStation core), standalone DuckStation, and no$psx. A translation of the first PS1 game in the series is also online.

In your opinion, which fan translation projects should we see next, and why?

  • @HiddenTower
    23 months ago

    Anyone played this? Fun game?