• Swedish Minister wants to deport migrants who do not hold Swedish citizenship if they show support to terrorist groups.
  • The spokesperson for migration policy in Sweden wants the law to be even more stringent - to include anyone who shows such acts of support.
  • Tourists, citizens, and residence permit holders can all be affected by such changes.
  • lime!
    24 months ago

    you’re sort of mixing my points together in order to get the least charitable interpretation. the “only” and “and” are doing some heavy lifting. i don’t feel like doing this whole semantic song and dance every time i post something just because people refuse to read between the lines. let’s leave it at you gave numbers and those numbers taught me something.

    • Iceblade
      24 months ago

      To be fair, you did the same with the OP, even if their wording may have been a bit more sensationalist than yours :)

      I’m glad you found the data enlightening though, feel free to poke me if you want some pointers on finding data on BRÅ or SCB, they’re veritable treasure troves of info and it’s all publicly available.

      • lime!
        24 months ago

        i spend a lot of time with scb data, its fascinating stuff.