
“Constitutional sheriffs” are a group of law enforcement officials who believe they hold supreme authority in their counties and can disregard state and federal law.

These sheriffs have become prominent figures in the election denial movement, and some have taken actions that critics view as dangerous, such as attempting to seize voting machine, assembling armed posses to patrol near polling stations, and refusing to enforce any law they view to be unconstitutional.

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, led by Richard Mack, has bolstered the movement, attracting sheriffs nationwide and featuring prominent election denial figures like Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn at their events

  • @cowfodder
    354 months ago

    I live near where Dar Leaf is sheriff. He’s a douche that also wanted to protect the people plotting to assassinate Gov Whitmer. Maybe he should focus on the fact that he’s sheriff of the meth capital of Michigan.

    • @[email protected]
      174 months ago

      We in Barry county somehow failed to vote him out. Truly shameful that he will continue to be sheriff

      • @cowfodder
        74 months ago

        I haven’t paid a lot of attention to your elections up there. Is he running unopposed?

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Basically yes. He won the Republican primary and the county is at least 2/3 Republican.

          Edit: I looked it up and he is running on opposed.

      • Roflmasterbigpimp
        34 months ago

        Wait. Why do you VOTE for a sheriff? Don’t they just get appointed like police captains? And can everyone be voted sheriff?

        • RubberDuck
          44 months ago

          Nope, counties vote for their law enforcement officials. In other places the police commissioner is appointed by the mayor.

          • Roflmasterbigpimp
            14 months ago

            Do you at least need some background in law enforcement? 🥲

        • @aaa999
          14 months ago

          i mean fun fact the person who appoints the police captain is elected, allowing bad voters to insert a bad police captain