Hello guys,

I have a machine like this at home currently is not working but I was thinking on getting it fixed, would it be enough to get fit at home or would you suggest something else I should get?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

  • thespacecowboyOP
    34 months ago

    Hey thanks for your response, should I find program catered directly to be used with these type of machines? I’m a complete noob I’ve never gone to the gym.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      In that case, maybe check if a nearby gym has free trials or affordable sessions with a coach.

      Sometimes exercises are a bit unintuitive and need attention to specific movements.

    • @ThunderWhiskers
      4 months ago

      I couldn’t speak to this specific machine and machines aren’t really my wheelhouse but a couple of great guys to follow on YouTube are Mike Israetel of Renaissance Periodization and Jeff Nippard. Both are really knowledgeable and speak in language that a layman can understand. Jeff is all about natural growth through “science-based exercise”. Ignore Mike’s nonsense or enjoy it, it’s mostly put on. He is extremely knowledgeable and cuts through a lot of the bullshit and mysticism around hypertrophy based lifting and physical fitness. From there you could probably find a basic 3 day program centered around machines.

      Edit: I should also say, beyond being safe, the most important thing is consistency. Pick a schedule that actually works for you, at least 2 but ideally 3 days per week, and do that every week and in 6 months you’ll see noticeable results. The individual lifts matter much less for beginners.