So some of you might have seen a trend as the Vatican announces their plans to bring god and anime on their side in real life.

The mascot is called Luce, cute anime girl with religious aspects to it.

But mama mia why did they do this for their event next year? It just seems totally unreal and I feel like I’m living in a simulation.

Never have i thought these zealous buggers would use anime influences in a bajillion years

  • LifeInMultipleChoice
    5 months ago

    Im getting dorra the explorer vibes. But maybe since they see how well shows like Bluey captivate a young audience, it make sense they would want in.

    Animated characters allow for the bright flashy lights that keep attention of kids while also allowing you to not use a person who is fallible. You never have to worry about a person doing something nafarious in their personal life and it staining their organization. (Subway, Papa Johns, Sham Wow).

    They are a company that basis their decisions on profits after all.