Hey guys so I finally watched Hereditary, let me preface by saying that I have a problem with horror movies because I watched so many growing up that they all feel the same to me, so I can’t watch any of the Paranormal Activities or Annabelles or any of those pop horror movies.

That said there were some horror movies that I enjoyed, Get Out, Bird Box and Midsommar and Cabin in the Woods (for different reasons) come to mind.

After hearing so much praise over the years I finally decided to watch Hereditary and let me tell you it was a big disappointment, at 1 hour runtime I found myself playing with my phone because it was soooooo slow and it didn’t get better from there, the plot was very basic, cult tricks someone into summoning a demon (a tale as old as time) and the payoff was very mid.

The ambiance and overall look were very cool, but that’s all. What is your opinion on this movie I need to know if I’m crazy?

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    I felt the same. The movie didn’t speak to me, not even 2 % of all the impact that Midsommar or Get Out had on me.

    But I don’t blame Hereditary itself. I have watched really really bad horror movies, forced by friends and family, and Hereditary has at least good acting… It’s probably that we simply enjoy other things.

    I blame it on the fact that these paranormal horror movies tend to be relatively pointless, or their point isn’t really portrayed as well as they think it does. You can’t reflect on a deep philosophical thought if you know you are going to get jumpscared in a few seconds.

    Having said all this, I must say the movie “Talk To Me” (2022) is one of the few instances of me enjoying a paranormal movie. Still has deep messages throughout the movie, IMO. Hopefully you’ll like it too.

    • @TheEighthDoctorOP
      4 months ago

      I forgot that one, I loved Talk to Me! It’s probably on my top 5

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        I agree wity you on Hireditary and your recommendations. Got any other recommendations?

        Not sure of you’ll like it but Witch (stylised as VVitch) is pretty good. Not sure if its technically horror though.

        • @TheEighthDoctorOP
          4 months ago

          Honestly not really anything other than what I already talked about, I saw Witch when it came out, I liked it even if some people don’t, same with The Village, have you seen the Taiwanese movie Incantation (2022) ?

          Edit: I just remembered, Last night at Soho is pretty great too