This is in response to someone else’s post from half an hour ago, which contained phone numbers controlled by a politically aligned organization. It doesn’t matter which one.

Reports of election interference should go directly to the authorities:

How to report voter fraud, intimidation, or suppression

If you suspect voter fraud, report it to your state or territorial election office. You can also report it to:

If you witness or suspect voter intimidation or suppression, there are three ways you can report it:

LAST UPDATED: September 18, 2024

  • moxOP
    4 months ago

    You called a political organization, and reached someone who is trained to tell you the sort of thing you wanted to hear.

    The election authorities need to know about vote interference immediately. If you witness it, call the authorities directly.

    It’s possible that the political org you called might be helpful as an extra measure, if you have additional free time to contact them as well. It’s also possible that they will reassure you and promptly drop your report in the proverbial trash if the interference you reported aligns with their interests. It’s impossible to know, no matter what they say. Either way, they are no substitute for calling the authorities.

    • @JonsJava
      4 months ago

      I agree, but every avenue at our disposal are forms. They will receive them, and I encourage that people DO report them to the FBI and Justice department. What I’m also saying is that those methods async, while this one is offering real-time assistance.

      I would never say “don’t notify the authorities”. I am just saying that if you can put some weight behind your report and get it resolved while you are there, that’s a good thing too.

      You assuming that because they are a political org, they will play partisan politics, so to ignore them out-of-hand makes me wonder what you would do in their position.

      Not all people are evil, and again, I’m not saying not to report to the proper authorities. I’m just saying that reporting to the proper authorities may take weeks or months, where this may help you in minutes or hours - in time for the vote.

      • moxOP
        4 months ago

        I agree, but every avenue at our disposal are forms.

        This is untrue. A phone number is prominently shown on the very first official link I tried: the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division. There are more phone numbers at the various state election offices.

        You assuming that because they are a political org, they will play partisan politics,

        No. I have assumed no such thing. I am pointing out that they are not the authorities, and since they are not, a report to them is not a report to the authorities. They might play partisan politics, or they might not. They might remember to pass your report on to the authorities at some point in the future, or they might forget. There’s no way to know, and it doesn’t matter.

        Report directly to the authorities. It’s fine to also report to someone else, but they are no substitute. Definitely report to the authorities.

        • @JonsJava
          54 months ago

          Report directly to the authorities

          100% agree with this. You reported the post in politicalmemes with this as the reason:

          misinformation; these phone numbers route to a politically-aligned organization

          What was the misinformation? The title says “[META] Where to call if you witness anyone intimidating or harassing at polling places.” and the image clearly states who is behind it.

          If you can state that they aren’t there to help, and provide proof, I’ll back down, but the fact that you came at it as “lies”, that’s a bold claim.

          Again, contact authorities, but there’s nothing wrong with having other avenues to assistance.

          • @Docus
            24 months ago

            I saw the original post in TIL, not in a political community where it may be (slightly) more acceptable. It’s never ok to divert reports of criminality away from the authorities and towards political organisations. And listing a bunch of phone numbers of a political organisation without stating their affiliation is misleading.

          • moxOP
            4 months ago

            The misinformation is directing people to report election interference using phone numbers belonging to a political organization, rather than the election authorities. A call to those numbers is not a call to the authorities. The post directs people away from the appropriate channels. It is therefore misleading.

            [Edit: I acknowledge that it might have been well-intended. It is still misleading.]

            the image clearly states who is behind it.

            The presence of a domain name printed at the bottom of the list of phone numbers, which most people will not carefully consider (or in many cases even notice), doesn’t make it okay.

            you came at it as “lies”

            I said no such thing. Please don’t put words in my mouth.