Politicians love tellings us what they’ll do, but what are the things that you wish they’d get off their a$$ and do something about?

  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Billionaires. They need to be taxed to pay for their externalities, including healthcare and climate change, and poverty too. There’s no way to earn $1B from labor, it must be stolen from the labor of others.

    Election fairness. Ranked choice voting, equal access, federal holiday to vote, overturn citizens united, eliminate electoral college, statehood for all citizens, redraw districts by geography, not demographics.

    Bodily autonomy as a constitutional amendment. Covers abortion, assisted suicide, tattoos, drug use, plastic surgery, vasectomy, and any other voluntary medical procedures.

    Investing in society. Education, healthcare, transportation, grid-scale clean energy storage, environmental health and remediation.