• @Sludgeyy
    24 months ago

    Detroit is an interesting one.

    If Detroit kept DST permanent, the sun would basically set after 6pm every day.

    However. Like you said, no one wants to wait until the 9am for the sun to rise.

    Abolishing DST could be beneficial for Detroit. Not as many days where the sun sets after 6. But more days where it rises before 7.

    The current system is bad for Detroit. It should either abolish it or keep it permanent.

    Detroit night owls would want to keep it, early birds would want to abolish it.

    Detroit is like El Paso TX. Where the current system is clearly bad.

    Maine is the opposite. The current system is “best” and the birds and owls fight.

    I live in Charlotte NC. I’ve always been for DST. Permanent DST means basically 365 days where the sun sets after 6pm. While getting basically the same number of days where the sun rises before 7am. I’m not an early riser, so as long as it’s up by 8/9am most of the time it’s fine with me.

    Arizona has it right. What I want in Charlotte shouldn’t matter to what you want in Detroit.

    You hate DST, I like it. You should be able to get rid of it, I should be able to keep it.

    Different places are affected by it much more or less. People are owls or birds. You can’t make everybody happy with one option.

    Maine is so far away from everything else it could be in it’s own time zone. That’s why it is a strange case.

    Never really thought about Detroit being almost directly north of Charlotte.

    Red lines are current time zones. Red circle is El Paso. Blue lines are if you equally cut US into 4 time zones.

    Detroit is to the right of the red line. It has 3 boxes to reach the beginning of the time zone which is just to the right of Maine. (Sorry didn’t draw it)

    El Paso being in the circle makes it 3 boxes to reach the beginning of time zone just like Detroit and why it is in the similar situation with DST.

    The right two time zones are large time zones. The left two are only 2 boxes wide.

    Maine should be in a separate time zone than Detroit

    Detroit should probably move to CST. Then, argue about daylight savings time in the summer to be EST (Not EDT)

    Sounds like something you’d like, maybe?

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      It’s clearly a complex issue. I didn’t realize that Eastern and Central were so much bigger than Mountain and Pacific, honestly. Central is crazy across the southern US.

      Normally I don’t mind the change so much but it’s kicking my ass this fall for some reason. I don’t actually live in Detroit, I just know it’s one of the more extreme examples like El Paso (but they just want to stick with the rest of TX anyway). I live in CO and wake up early; Looking at Fig1 it’s obvious that I would like it abolished but most here would like it permanent. lol, poor Utah.

      I dunno, the majority of people seem to want permanent, I know CO has a law saying as soon as Congress allows it we’re going to stay on DST. So it’s coming, but I don’t have to like it.

      Fuck DST.

      • @Sludgeyy
        4 months ago

        I just realized that El Paso is actually in MST. They must have hated it so bad not to stick with the rest of Texas. But whoever lives in the farthest point west but still in CST is being screwed. Same with EST.

        Funny the section of Texas that is in MST is three tiny blocks, basically the same width as all of Michigan. Texas is big lol.

        Michigan should probably move to CST

        When I think of Colorado I think of it being way north. You could live in Colorado and be as north as someone living in Raleigh NC almost. That’s wild.

        Yeah Colorado seems to appear to be all up to preference on the choices. It’s at the start of a time zone. People on the east lean towards permanent MDT, People on the west lean towards permanent MST.

        Im guessing that you live towards the west side. Yet if most people around you seem to want it, then maybe you live on east side lol