
Around 10,000 North Korean troops have arrived in Russia, poised to join the Ukraine conflict as part of a reported agreement between Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.

Though these young, inexperienced soldiers, trained in mountainous regions, lack battlefield exposure, Russia has equipped them with modern weaponry.

North Korea wants foreign currency and potentially advanced Russian military technology through this “blood alliance.”

Analysts see this as a risky move by Kim, as significant casualties could undermine his standing. Many view the North Korean soldiers as cannon fodder, unlikely to return home alive.

  • @Kyrgizion
    94 months ago

    I feel sorry for the poor fuckers. They likely can’t even make use of the defection process due to the language barrier. How many NK’s do you think understand Russian or Ukrainian?

    Let’s hope they don’t have to suffer long. They won’t make a dent in UA’s defenses though.