
  • @[email protected]
    -123 months ago

    I’d vote for kamala, thank god i’m not a USer. I’m just saying that the only way someone like trump can get there is when progressives stop being progressive, when democratic politicians are not pressured in pushing the overton window left, then inevitably fascists will throw it to the right. Your shitty attitude is part of the problem and your refusal to even entertain any thought outside the voting binary shows how much of a tool you are

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      Disingenuous. Nobody is suggesting not to vote outside the binary; what they’re suggesting is to be realistic, rational, intelligent, and understand that you can’t start a race at the finish line.

      There is no viable third party in America on a presidential scale. Period.

      This does not mean there never will be.

      But no, that change is not ever going to happen by a sudden upset win in the presidency. Ever. EVER. If you give a shit about breaking the binary, get out in the fucking streets and do the hard but necessary work of building a third party up from the roots. If you want to see a Green Party president, then put in the work of proving first that Green Party local representatives, school board members, etc., are worthy candidates with a proven track record. (Green is just an example, substitute it with whatever you want and don’t get caught up in that irrelevant choice)

      Yes, this is long, and yes, this sucks. It doesn’t matter. Life sucks. This is how real change happens.

      Unless you’re just an accelerationist, in which case, fuck you for being willing to risk the lives of countless decent citizens just because you’re too lazy to do the hard work of building a movement up from the ground floor. Revolution might be necessary, but you’re a dick if you run to it before exhausting more reasonable less-violent options.

      Bottom line, being in reality means understanding that the presidential election is a binary until we do the hard work so that it isn’t, and pouting about it isn’t protest; it’s bending over and taking whatever they want to give you in abject impotency.

      • @[email protected]
        -43 months ago

        This debate is not exclusive to the election run, it’s just that you ignore it until the finish line then berate people for “talking about it only at the end”

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Jesus, you behave like this outside of election-years?!

          Bless whatever family you have left lol

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Absolute bullshit. The people who are actually boots on ground doing the work are not the people making the claims. They know the hard work that is necessary and they know the benefit of voting even if the impact is incremental. The whole objection is that the people who talk about protest voting are the ones who only drop into the game at the finish line.

    • @someguy3
      103 months ago

      What are you talking about. Every time the Dems go left they lose, so they go to the center to find voters. Want them to be more progressive? Then give them victories. Because when they lose, they go to the center to find voters.

    • @draneceusrex
      43 months ago

      Glad you’re not live from Moscow! But I didn’t make it a binary choice. The stupid fucking GOP did by nominating the Orange Shitstain of a fascist. Never Trump conservatives will be a huge part of Harris being elected. So let us get this election out of the way, get the shitstain incarcerated, and then we can keep pushing the agenda left. For the most part I agree with you, and voted 3rd party pretty consistently up to 2016.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        The problem is that everytime is “let’s wait for the election then push them left” and it never works.

        This is not the fault of voters or non voters, it’s that American democracy is not a democracy, the parties never listen to the will of the people. And that’s why voting ultimately doesn’t change anything, because it’s just a pretext to make you think you are making a difference. As important as it is to vote, that is how our leaders view it.

        • @draneceusrex
          23 months ago

          Maybe you were right. Fuck man. I don’t know.