Background: I was in high school (public) and our school just got back from quarantine, and had everybody to take a mandatory covid test every week. Our teachers rounded us up and these people swabbed and tested us. We didn’t sign anything, we didn’t ask for this, we were just told to line up and do it.

Now that was last school year, just this week I received a bill from MEDLAB2020 sent to my home with my full name and my insurance information telling me to pay $3700 for that year of weekly COVID tests. Now, I thought this was free, being in a public school and not having signed or agreeing to anything. So I guess I’ll just call the school up the following Monday or something because I’m not paying this.

I did find a post with pretty much the same situation

Edit: I previously made a post in c/california but wanted to post here to see if I would get more traction. Yes, I live in the US of A if it wasn’t obvious.

  • @profdc9
    1 year ago

    If you want to send the creditor a letter, send this, preferably certified with return receipt. It should be sent within 30 days of receiving the notice. Please note where you have to fill in information. If they attempt to threaten or intimidate you, tell them you are going to consult your attorney, and any further contact with them is made through your attorney, and cut off contact. DO NOT GIVE THE CREDITOR ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION THEY DO NOT ALREADY HAVE, including your phone number, any other address, name of your employer, etc. Make them prove you owe the debt, because the onus is on them, not you.

    Your name

    Your address

    Your city, Your state Your zip (the MAILING ADDRESS)

    Month Date, Year

    Name of Collector (the COLLECTION AGENCY)

    Address of Collector

    City of Collector, State of Collector Zip of Collector

    Dear Collector,

    I (the “INQUIRER”) am writing in regards to notice number notice number here (the “COLLECTION NOTICE”) and the alleged debt appearing on the notice (THE “DEBT”). The INQUIRER is providing the COLLECTION AGENCY the MAILING ADDRESS solely for the purpose for your response to this inquiry regarding the COLLECTION NOTICE. The INQUIRER will only accept communications from the COLLECTION AGENCY by the MAILING ADDRESS. By requesting VALIDATION INFORMATION from the COLLECTION AGENCY, the INQUIRER does not admit to or acknowledge owing the DEBT, or any other debts, to the COLLECTION AGENCY, the CREDITOR, or any other party. The INQUIRER hopes to resolve this matter amicably.

    The COLLECTION NOTICE indicates that SERVICES were rendered by Name of Entity providing Services on the date date of services The following information is requested regarding the SERVICES:

    1. What is the name and address of the original CREDITOR?
    2. Provide an itemized list of the SERVICES, including a description of the services provided, the amount owed for the services, the dates the services were performed, and contact information for further question about the charges.
    3. Provide copies of the original statements from the original CREDITOR regarding the DEBT that includes any and all charges included in the total amount of the DEBT, and any payments CREDITOR has received towards payment of the DEBT including payments from insurance companies, and any notice that billed insurance refused to pay for the SERVICES.
    4. Provide copies of any contracts or forms, including valid signatures, between the CREDITOR and the INQUIRER that alleges to obligate the INQUIRER to the CREDITOR to pay the DEBT.
    5. Provide proof that the COLLECTION AGENCY has the authority to collect the DEBT on behalf of the CREDITOR, so that payment of the DEBT discharges the DEBT, and that the COLLECTION AGENCY can produce a valid, legal, and binding letter upon receipt of payment of the DEBT that discharges the DEBT indicated by the COLLECTION NOTICE unconditionally and in whole, and that the CREDITOR and COLLECTION AGENCY relinquish in whole and in perpetuity their rights to collect the DEBT indicated by the COLLECTION NOTICE.

    Your prompt and courteous response regarding this matter is appreciated.


    Your Name